Stop using jargon! They don’t understand you.
Please explain with the human language, not another planetary language.
Since I learn about UX, many of my friends asked me but when I explain it with particular words or phrases of UX/UI inadvertently, they will ask me again, “what are you talking about, syif?” or they act as they know but in fact, they didn’t. It happens when we talk about our common jargon, “you’re not your user” I’m sure they are still confused by the meaning of this jargon, and now it’s something I really pay attention to. I think it’s important for us to know how we would explain UX or UI to most common people without saying particular words or another planetary language that they don’t know or understand.
We think it sounds easy for us to answer their question about UX and UI. “Okay, let’s simplify our sentences so they will understand” but in fact, I’m sure we are still struggling with how to make them understand with our words. Even we are still looking for words that describe UX Designer for most people. So, apparently it doesn’t sound easy again for us because UX and UI have many words or phrases that are difficult to understand if not studied first and we should make it simple.
Its also occurs to client or stakeholder that doesn't know about the words such as Personas, User Flow, Wireframe, etc. This’s also our main job to make sure that our client or stakeholder is understood with what we are talking about. We can imagine if our client or stakeholder isn’t understood with our words or phrases, what will happens? Of course, our project or product isn’t aligned with the client or stakeholders and maybe they will be confused and don’t approve of the project or product that we are working on. Wouldn’t that hamper our work? For me, it's totally yes.
The best way to ensure that people we talk with are understood is to ask them repeatedly “are you understand?” or “ask me if you get confused with my words” and of course we should practice it again and again until we have the best words to describe UX/UI to most people, including our client or stakeholder.
If you are still using jargon to make you look cool, please don’t do that again. It only makes the person you are talking to feel annoyed and they wouldn’t pay attention to your conversation. Even though is hard for us (UX or UI Designer) to explain or describe our job and role to people, but it’ll be a new challenge for us. Jargon isn’t important if they don’t understand the context behind it. So, please, make it simple.
The point of all this is
Use human language, don’t make them get confused with your jargon blah-blah.
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